Daily Music and Stories from the organist & accordionist Jon Hammond, today's story about 8 days until election day! My original music "Party is Forbidden
Here" from my first album Late Rent, and current events. We recorded this track in Quad Recording Studios NYC, mixed mastered and co-produced by Joe Berger aka
'Berger-Meister' - Bernard Purdie is the drummer, Chuggy Carter percussion & congas, Alex Foster tenor, Barry Finnerty guitar and yours truly Jon Hammond at the B3
organ (I had to super glue one of the keys together before we could start recording there, no kidding!) powerful stuff that Super Glue - saved the day. Make sure to get
your votes in for the big Presto-Change-o folks! Be sure to mask up in public in the pandemic, it's spikin' again! Tune in tomorrow for another daily Hammond
@Jon Hammond